Spring Cohort starts in April
Enrolling now!
Tenth House Health: 29 2nd Street, Athens, NY 12015
A special edition of The Holding Field practitioner gathering through Tenth House Health - with Char. This is a 3-hr immersion in a set of somatic tools healers can implement to create more trauma-informed sessions.
We focus on:
This is a hands-on, experiential practice workshop. Expect to interact in-depth and to give & receive live feedback. We'll take plenty of breaks, bring plenty of tea & snacks, and move at the pace that our group co-creates.
Julia's House, Germantown, Philly
The first offering of the Loving Conflict is Abolitionist Practice series, in Philly!
Holding on to hurt - that we caused or that we experienced - is like tensing a muscle.
The tension pulls on everything around it, limiting movement, breath, and ease.
Practicing myofascial release invites hydration, movement, and integration into our tissues - and opens up the possibilities of apologies doing the same thing in our relationships.
When genuine apology is offered, it’s like applying gentle attention to that knot, allowing it to soften and create space. The nervous system shifts from bracing into relief, making room for new possibilities.
Apologies can feel like releasing a deep knot in the body.
This is a hands-on, experiential practice workshop combining myofascial massage techniques with apology skills.
Expect to interact in-depth and to give & receive live feedback. We'll have plenty of tea & snacks, and move at the pace that our group co-creates.
With Julia & Char
A 1-hr community space for folks who have completed one or more tremor workshops or sessions with Char, Sabrina, or Julia.
At Tremor Practice club, we
Have you learned to tremor before, but want a refresher?
Perhaps you have a home tremor practice - but are looking for ways to expand or deepen your experience.
Practice club is not for first-time learners of tremor - come join us at an intro workshop or immersion instead.
A day of somatic learning and exploration w Julia & Char.
We discuss the Circle Model, a nonhierarchical understanding of our body's stress responses through a critical power lens. We explore accessing more choice and freedom in our stress responses. Then, using myofascial release principles, we practice freeing fascia's patterns of stuckness.
After lunch, we practice the body's natural ability to tremor - to increase embodied freedom!
Loving Conflict is a commitment to everyone having the skills for transformation through difficult relational moments.
This 9 week practice group is a learning, unlearning, and practice space - in the lineage of Transformative Justice & Abolition - for folks wanting to build skill with conflict.
Julia and Char co-facilitate an embodied practice workshop that introduces self-massage techniques based on myofascial principles and supports us to track shifts in our nervous system through the fascial & muscular release.
Julia offers nearly 30 years of anatomy study along with training in Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, Barral’s Visceral and Neural Manipulation, Alignment Yoga, Myofascial Release, and Somatic Experiencing.
We start by mapping our nervous system states and trying out several simple tools to help us move between states.
Then, we focus practice time on building comfort and skill with the body's inherent stress-care response: tremoring.
Learn & practice the therapeutic tremor to increase embodied freedom. Experience the inherent skills our bodies have to reduce chronic stress load.
Co-facilitated with Sabrina Hayeem-Ladani
In-depth, discussion based workshop exploring the Red and Purple nervous system states. Group and individual practice of the resilience tools list, then generous time exploring and building comfort with the therapeutic tremor.
This is part two of the Circle Model nervous system immersion 1, which is a required pre-requisite.
Hosted at The Sanctuary
These 3 hr classes are a chance to somatically experience the nervous system through a systems & power lens.
We map our own systems, and work with a 2-page list of somatic tools to help shift nervous system states.
These 3 hr workshops are small group, discussion-focused explorations of common ways our nervous systems respond to stress & strain, with the goal of expanding more choice and agency.
Join to somatically experience the nervous system through a systems & power lens.
We map our own systems, and work with a 2-page list of somatic tools to help shift nervous system states.
This group is a learning, unlearning, and practice space for practitioners wanting to build skill with facilitating conflict.
We combine somatic practice and embodied inquiry with reading & discussion. Loving Conflict is rooted in abolitionist, & transformative justice principles.
Loving Conflict practitioner training is a commitment to more of us having the skills to support others' transformation through difficult
relational moments.
These 3 hr workshops are small group, discussion-focused explorations of common ways our nervous systems respond to stress & strain, with the goal of expanding more choice and agency.
Join to somatically experience the nervous system through a systems & power lens.
We map our own systems, and work with a 2-page list of somatic tools to help shift nervous system states.
This group series is for anyone who is wanting to build conflict capacity and skill and will be heavily focused on personal practice
Join us to practice nervous-system informed, abolitionist conflict skills in community.
3-hour workshop based on the Resilience toolkit and the Circle model of the nervous system. Join to: